5 Creepy Statues That No City Wants to Claim

5 Creepy Statues That No City Wants to Claim

When you think about statues, are there any nearby that you find unpleasant and wish would disappear? Maybe you think they’re ugly, pointless, or even creepy. While that might seem harsh, we promise they can’t be as awful as some on this list.

Sculptures can really add character to a park or square and pay tribute to historical figures or events—assuming the sculptures look nice. The line between what is and isn’t considered art can be quite thin, but with these statues, there’s no ambiguity. Watch out when you’re walking around town; bumping into one of these might just give you a fright!

Take, for example, the strange hand with eyes or the faceless baby statues. These sculptures seem better suited for a horror museum than the streets of some of the world’s most famous cities. While some might terrify you, others will make you laugh. If you had to pick one to put in your neighborhood square, which would it be?