The Forgotten Fortress of Vettignè in Santhià, Piedmont

The Forgotten Fortress of Vettignè in Santhià, Piedmont

Imagine standing near a winter dawn, with open fields and sparse trees, and Monte Rosa’s massive presence in the background reflecting the sun’s first rays. The castle towers above the walls, creating a stunning and nostalgic scene.

Unfortunately, the castle has been abandoned. Cynthia’s post reveals that part of the castle has collapsed, which is a recurring tragedy for many historical and cultural relics that fall into disrepair and neglect.

We’re in Piedmont, specifically in Vettignè, a part of Santhià. This is the location of the Castle of Vettignè, built by Boniface Dog, a fierce Italian mercenary leader from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The castle previously belonged to the Savoy family, and there’s even a legend that Bonifacio’s ghost haunts it.

This historic castle is situated about 20 km from Vercelli and is closely accessible from both Milan (90 km) and Turin (80 km). For more details and photos of a recent visit to the castle, you can check out Cinzia’s blog. There’s also mention of a B&B renovation by Enrica, which used to be the castle’s inn.

By Alba V